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Camp Saint Sophrony

Camp Saint Sophrony is part of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain children and youth ministries. The aim of the camp is to bring children from across the archdiocese together for a fun-filled week of outdoor activity in an Orthodox Christian setting. Here they will grow in confidence and in the faith and meet lifelong friends.

From Orthodox teaching, to adventure activities, campers will meet new friends, have lots of fun, and learn about the Orthodox Christian Faith.


“I’d recommend this camp to any of my friends and anyone else. I am really looking forward to coming back next summer!!!”

“I wish I had discovered your holidays when my daughters were younger.”

Youth Camp Website

Email: saintsophronycamp@gmail.com

Where: Heatree Activity Centre, Devon

Archbishop Nikitas visits Durham Cathedral

Archbishop Nikitas visits Durham Cathedral

On the evening of Saturday, 9th March 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain attended Evensong at the historic Durham Cathedral. Accompanied by Archdeacon Dr George Tsourous and Reverend Presbyter Professor Nikita Banev, they were warmly received by the Dean of Durham, the Very Reverend Dr Philip Plyming, and Reverend Canon Michael Hampel, Vice-Dean and Precentor.

Following the Evensong, a guided tour of the Cathedral allowed His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas and his clergy to explore its architectural splendour and deep Christian heritage.

A highlight of the visit was the veneration of St Cuthbert and the Venerable Bede’s tombs, reflecting the deep devotion the Orthodox Church has for these venerable saints from before the schism. Their lives, marked by devotion and scholarship, continue to inspire across Christian traditions.

Saint Bede, venerated as the Venerable Bede, is particularly esteemed for his monumental contributions to Christian scholarship and historiography. His magnum opus, “The Ecclesiastical History of the English People,” offers an unparalleled insight into the spiritual and secular dynamics of early medieval England. Bede’s dedication to the monastic life, combined with his intellectual pursuits at the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow, underscores his role as a luminary of Christian learning and devotion.

Saint Cuthbert, whose life was marked by devotion to prayer, solitude, and pastoral care, remains one of the most revered saints in the British Isles. His journey from a hermit to the Bishop of Lindisfarne exemplifies his commitment to serving the spiritual needs of the people of God. The miracles surrounding his life and afterlife, and the incorruptibility of his relics, continue to inspire faith and devotion among Christians. The pilgrimage by devout Christians to his shrine at Durham Cathedral, initiated centuries ago, remains a testament to his enduring legacy as a shepherd of the Christian faith.

This visit, fostering dialogue and friendship between the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain and the Church of England, highlights a mutual commitment to ecumenical engagement and the nurturing of faith in our contemporary world.

Archbishop Nikitas in Wood Green

Archbishop Nikitas in Wood Greeen

On Sunday 3rd March 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Wood Green, North London. He was joined in the service by Revd Presbyter Petros Georgiou. The Revd Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous and Revd Deacon Georgios Ntallas also served.

His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas addressed the congregation with a profound message that resonated deeply within the hearts of all present. He spoke of the enduring mercy and unconditional love of our Heavenly Father, as exemplified in the parable of the Prodigal Son. His Eminence reminded us that no matter how far we may stray, the path to reconciliation and forgiveness is always open. He emphasised the importance of humility, repentance, and the joyous return to God’s grace. Drawing from the Gospel, Archbishop Nikitas encouraged everyone to reflect on their own lives, identifying moments of departure and considering the journey back to the loving embrace of the Father. This powerful sermon underscored the timeless message of hope and redemption that lies at the heart of our faith, inspiring us to seek a closer relationship with God through genuine contrition and a sincere desire to return to His fold.

At the conclusion of the services, a Memorial service was held, during which His Eminence was joined by clergy from the nearby Parish of St Barnabas, including Revd Protopresbyter Panayiotis Dik and Deacon Gregorios-Palamas Florides.

Archbishop Nikitas Attends Historic Dinner at Mansion House

Archbishop Nikitas Attends Historic Dinner at Mansion House

His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain had the great honour to be invited to the Archbishops and Bishops Dinner on Thursday, 8th February 2024, at the Mansion House hosted by the Rt Honourable Lord Mayor and The Lady Mayoress, Alderman Professor Michael, and Mrs Elisabeth Mainelli. He was welcomed by Alderwoman Martha Grekos, a valued member of our Archdiocese. His Eminence was accompanied by the Revd Archdeacon Dr George Tsourous.

The Archbishops and Bishops Dinner traces its origins to the early eighteenth century, celebrating the longstanding relationship between the Church and the City of London. This biennial event, traditionally held at the conclusion of the General Synod, now welcomes clergy from various Christian denominations as well as faith leaders, maintaining its historical significance while cultivating a broader ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.

The Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor, has been at the heart of the City’s ceremonial life since its completion in 1758 by George Dance the elder. This beautiful building, known for its Italianate design and the grandeur of its Palladian style, hosts significant events like the Archbishops and Bishops Dinner. Its Egyptian Hall and the Salon, significant for their historical and architectural interest, serve as a magnificent backdrop for gatherings that foster civic and religious engagement.

Archbishop Nikitas’s presence at this venerable event highlights the Archdiocese’s ongoing commitment to community and interfaith engagement.

Archbishop Nikitas at St Nicholas, Shepherds Bush

On Sunday, 24th February 2024, Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St Nicholas Shepherds Bush along with His Grace Bishop Spyridon of Amastris. They were joined in the service by Revd Protopresbyter Dr Stavros Solomou, Priest-in-charge. The Revd Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous and Revd Deacon Georgios Ntallas also served.

In his sermon on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the Archbishop conveyed a profound message rooted in humility and the grace of repentance, as illustrated by the Gospel. He emphasised the parable’s last line, “for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted,” highlighting it as the essence of our spiritual journey. The Archbishop eloquently illustrated how the Pharisee, despite his outward adherence to religious practices, was blinded by his own pride, failing to recognise the depth of his spiritual need. In contrast, the tax collector, aware of his shortcomings and sinfulness, approached God with a genuine heart full of repentance and humility. The Archbishop’s message was a powerful reminder that true justification before God does not come from self-righteousness or the mere observance of rituals, but from a humble and contrite heart that seeks God’s mercy above all.

Archbishop Nikitas Attends Lunar New Year’s Dinner as Annual Tradition

Archbishop Nikitas Attends Lunar New Year’s Dinner as Annual Tradition

On Monday, 19th February 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain attended the annual Lunar New Year’s Dinner graciously hosted by parishioner, Mr. Anthoy Ling at the Phoenix Palace, London. A culturally and ethnically diverse group of Orthodox Christians consisting of clergy and laity gathered to celebrate the start of the new lunar year. This annual celebration also demonstrates the cosmopolitan nature of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain as well as its vision of cultivating unity in diversity throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. At the conclusion of the dinner, the Chinese new year’s cake was blessed and offered by His Eminence wishing all health, joy, and fortune in the new year.

Archbishop Nikitas in Oxford

Archbishop Nikitas in Oxford

On Sunday, 18th February 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Trinity and Annunciation in Oxford. Amongst those concelebrating were the Revd Protopresbyter Ian Graham, Priest-in-charge, and the Revd Presbyter Seraphim Vanttinen-Newton. The Revd Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous also served.

In his heartfelt sermon, the Archbishop drew from Apostle Paul’ epistle to the church in Corinth to remind us that we are indeed the living temples of God. He emphasised, “As the very dwelling of God, it’s essential for us to separate ourselves from the ways of the world. This is not a mere suggestion but a divine invitation to purity and holiness.” This separation, he explained, is not about isolation but about choosing a path that aligns with our sacred identity. “By distancing ourselves from anything that defiles our spirit or body, we open our hearts to a deeper relationship with God,” he continued.

In his address to the congregation, the Archbishop further emphasised the significance of unity in Christ. He highlighted how the diverse and multicultural congregation in Oxford transcends the variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and unites as one family. This unity, he noted, is a testament to the strength of their collective commitment to Christ and to each other, embodying the very essence of the Church as the body of Christ in the world.

Following the Divine Liturgy, the day’s celebrations culminated in a festal bring-and-share lunch held in the Community Hall. This gathering provided a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and joy, where the Archbishop had the chance to speak with the parishioners of Oxford, engaging in conversation and answering questions at length.

Archbishop Nikitas in Luton

Archbishop Nikitas in Luton

On Sunday, 11th February 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St Charalambos in Luton. Amongst those concelebrating were the Revd Presbyter Dr. Andreas Andreopoulos, the Rev Oeconomos Nikolaos Kokkinos and the Rev. Presbyter David Somalis, Priest-in-charge. The Rev. Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous served too.

Following the end of the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Nikitas presented an epigonation to Fr Nikolaos Kokkinos previously the Priest-in-charge, honouring his years of dedicated service to the St Charalambos parish. Additionally, The Archbishop extended his gratitude towards the current Priest-in-charge, Fr David Somalis, for his exemplary leadership and the significant support provided by the Parish Council. In his address to the congregation, Archbishop emphasised the significance of unity in Christ, highlighting how the diverse and multicultural congregation of St Charalambos comes together as one family. Despite the variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, all members are united in their shared Orthodox faith, exemplifying a beautiful blend of diversity within unity.

The day’s celebrations culminated in a festal meal held in the Community hall. This gathering was a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and joy, bringing together the parish community. Archbishop Nikitas also unveiled a plaque commemorating the Great Benefactors and supporters of the Parish. This gesture served not only as a token of appreciation but also as a lasting tribute to the collective effort and generosity that sustains the parish’s vibrant community life.

Archbishop’s Call for Prayers for King’s Health

Archbishop's Call for Prayers for King's Health

His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas expresses his prayerful support for the restoration of health for His Majesty King Charles III, in light of the recent announcement about the King’s health.

His Eminence encourages the parishes and communities of our Archdiocese, and all the faithful, to continue to pray for our King, and for His recovery and well-being, in keeping with our entreaty during every Divine Liturgy: “For our most gracious Sovereign Lord King Charles III, the Royal Family, His Majesty’s Government, for those in public service, and for the Royal Armed Forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord”.