On the 8th of April 2023, the Saturday of Lazarus, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated in English at St Barnabas Greek Orthodox Church in Wood Green by Rev. Fr. Petros Georgiou and Rev. Dcn. Gregory Florides.
Following the Divine Liturgy – with over 100 Orthodox Christians and Catechumens prayerfully attending – a talk was given by Fr. Gregory on the theme of “Living out Christ’s Passion and Resurrection in one’s daily life”, ahead of Holy Week and Pascha.
Fr Gregory particularly concentrated on the teachings and example of St Gregory Palamas, leading to a fruitful discussion and Q&A session.
A lenten buffet was kindly provided by the community in the hall.
The successful event was yet another example of how the liturgical and life and catechetical ministries of our local Church are essential for the mission and re-evangelisation within our eparchy of the United Kingdom and Ireland.