Orthodox Easter Celebrations at New Scotland Yard

On Friday, 4th March 2022, at the request of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, the V. Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Director of the Office of The Archbishop, visited New Scotland Yard to attend the Orthodox Easter Celebrations organized by the Metropolitan Police Service Greek & Cypriot Association. Fr. Nephon arrived bearing The Archbishop’s newly commissioned icon of the Archangel Michael, the patron of the Metropolitan Police, depicted standing upon England and holding in his hand the skyline of London, while also wearing a Metropolitan Police Badge on his breast. The icon was placed in the venue for veneration by the faithful. The celebration was inaugurated by the Metropolitan Police Service Commissioner, Dame Cressida Dick.  

During the well-attended event gathering Orthodox and non-Orthodox members of the Metropolitan Police Force, Fr. Nephon conveyed to each and everyone present “the prayers, paternal blessings, and Paschal Greetings of His Eminence, The Archbishop, as well as the deep gratitude, respect, and unswerving support of our Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Community, collectively.” He concluded his remarks encouraging those present concerning the upcoming Holy and Great Fast saying, “With a holy mixture of sobriety, anticipation, vigilance, prayer, hope and spiritual joy, we will travel for forty days through the desert of Great Lent. At the end of this journey, we know that we will find the Unwaning Light which shines already on our horizon.  It is the Light which is never overtaken by night, the victory of the age to come which is already present and which also shall be, the risen Christ in His Kingdom which shall have no end!”

Among those in attendance were also His Grace Bishop Kenneth of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of London, and Mr. Nicholas T. Manolis, Deputy High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus.