Living The Liturgy

On Tuesday, 24th May 2022, nearly 60 individuals gathered at the Archdiocesan Chapel of the Annunciation to attend the 3rd Learning and Living the Liturgy Orthodox Theology and Culture Lecture Series. The evening began with the celebration of Vespers followed by a thorough presentation on the Sacred Liturgical Vessels of the Orthodox Church which were carefully displayed on the solea in the chapel.  Following the lecture, rich refreshments and fellowship ensued.  The night ended with the celebration of the Small Compline Service.

This new hybrid initiative (in person and via Zoom) is a continuation of the Orthodox Theology and Christian Culture Lecture series established by His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain and led by Fr. Nephon Tsimalis. These lectures have remained continuous since March 2020, which was the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The next lecture will be on Tuesday, 31 May 2022.

For more information, please contact Fr. Nephon Tsimalis at: [email protected]