Event on Orthodox Easter Celebration at New Scotland Yard

Event on Orthodox Easter Celebration at New Scotland Yard


On Friday, 28th February 2020, the Met’s Greek & Cypriot Association organised and hosted a celebration event at New Scotland Yard to signify the start of the Orthodox Easter (referred to as Pascha) which begins today.

This was the first ever Orthodox event to have been hosted by the Met and brought together staff and officers from across the organisation along with leaders from the Orthodox Church and community. This included members of the Greek & Cypriot Association, Romanian Staff Association, The Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain and many other VIPs.

The event was organised to highlight how significant Easter is in the Orthodox Calendar and to recognise the differences between our Easter and that celebrated by other Christian faiths. This consisted of talks from the GCA’s Secretary, Commander Catherine Roper and the Archbishop himself. This was followed by plenty of Greek & Cypriot food with the opportunity to network and the sound of Father Joseph’s Orthodox Choir signing in the backgound.

We hope events like Friday’s will further improve the profile of our faith and culture within the organisation and show the Met as a truly diverse place to work.

The group photo with His Emimence is as follows:

From Left to Right: Kyri-Vice Secretary, Socs-Assistant Secretary, Costas-Assistant Secretary, HE Archbishop Nikitas, Vice Chairman-Pierre, Afrothiti-Assistant Secretary, Phil-Treasurer, George-Secretary.

Text: Pierre Petrou
Photos by Fr Joseph Paliouras & Pierre Petrou
Video by Fr Nikodemos Anagnostopoulos