Based on the recent governmental guidelines regarding the approaching lockdown affecting places of worship, the Archdiocese, considering both the spiritual and pastoral needs of the faithful, announces the following:
- On Wednesday the 4th of November 2020, at 8:30am, Matins and Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at the Archdiocesan Chapel, offering the opportunity for the faithful to partake of the Holy Mysteries prior to the closure of the churches.
- His Eminence requests that all priests of the communities of the Archdiocese celebrate the Divine Liturgy on Wednesday the 4th of November 2020, updating the faithful accordingly so that they may attend.
- His Eminence is in constant communication with the local authorities in order for Him to make an official and a detailed statement on how our places of worship will function during this time. We remind you that social distancing and the use of masks are unnegotiable and essential requirements in our churches.
The reverend clergy and esteemed presidents of our communities will receive a relevant announcement once available. The Government’s guidelines, which will be sent to you, must be strictly adhered to.
London, 2nd November 2020
The Office of the Chancellor