Charity work in Sierra Leone

The following post is being published at the request of Alexios Gennaris.
Alexios has been photographing our churches since 2012. In 2015 he set up a project to photograph all 23 Greek Orthodox Churches in London. He documented not only the buildings but also the clergy, chanters, congregation, services, etc…
Alexios has always taken photographs at our churches and of the local community without any remuneration.
Since 2016 he has started to go further afield and has photographed church services all over the U.K.
Alexios has photographed the ordination of several deacons, priests, bishops and was the official photographer at our Archbishop Nikitas’s enthronement and more recently, photographed the official visit to the UK of the Ecumenical Patriarch.
In 2017, Alexios visited the mission of Bishop Themistocles Adamopoulo in Sierra Leone. He has visited three times since then and will be returning in February 2023.
His work there though has gone beyond simply photographing the good work done by the mission that helps the poor and sick.
With the help of some friends, Alexios has been sending money for medicine, food, clothes as well as regular parcels of the same.
He supports the mission’s clinic and schools and also families living outside of the mission which are known as “The Zinc House Kids”.
In order to formalise the support that he has been providing, Alexios is in the process of setting up a C.I.O./Charity. This is with the blessing of H.E. Archbishop Nikitas.
In the meantime, Alexios needs help with the cost of his forthcoming trip to Bishop Themistocles Adamopoulo’s mission and to see the Zinc House Kids. Any surplus money will go to the mission and emergency medical supplies.
A crowdfunding page has been set up – Please donate here:
Facebook page: – Sierra Leone trip December 2019+:
Please contact Alexios by email for further information and advice on how to help. [email protected]